Tooth Colored Fillings

Tooth restoration can now be achieved with tooth-colored fillings. If you have teeth that are breaking down from decay, or teeth with old deteriorating silver and mercury amalgam fillings, teeth with chipped or broken enamel, Tooth-colored fillings may be the best solution. At his practice in Silver Spring, Maryland, Stephen J. Friedman, DDS, PA, fabrication of these discreet dental restorations match the color and light-reflecting properties of the patient’s tooth structure and provide the most practical esthetic result for tooth restoration. To learn more about receiving tooth-colored fillings, call the office or click the online booking tool to make an appointment today

What are tooth-colored fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings are types of dental restorations that use resins or ceramo-resins to restore small breakdowns of tooth structure from trauma or decay. You might also benefit from a tooth-colored fillings if you have cracked or broken teeth, or if you have worn down teeth due to clenching or grinding.

Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, tooth-colored fillings provide a conservative efficient way to restore that the fillings blend in with the surrounding tooth color and texture and are virtually invisible. . These restorations are usually made of composite resin and other ceramo-resin materials. Both are safe and durable. These fillings are usually placed at single appointments and may require the application of local anesthetics for comfort control.

What is the process for receiving tooth-colored fillings?

After an exam and treatment plan, the tooth color restoration is prescribed and performed, usually at one appointment. In some cases, a temporary restoration is placed while the final restoration is fabricated in the laboratory.

The teeth are prepared after local anesthetics are administered, and in most cases, the restoration is bonded into place in one sitting. A curing light is used to harden the resin materials used to form the filling and/or the bonding medium with which it is attached to the tooth structure.

Does receiving a tooth-colored filling hurt?

Tooth-colored fillings are safe and well-tolerated. They are placed using local anesthetics so that the preparation of tooth structure and removal of any decay is painless.

Postoperative sensitivity is rare, and if it occurs, it is usually very mild and rarely persists. In the event of post-op discomfort, the patient is advised to book a follow-up visit without delay so that the new filling can be evaluated and adjusted if needed.

How do I care for my tooth-colored filling?

Caring for tooth-colored fillings requires that patients continue their regular personal oral hygiene care, including flossing and brushing twice daily. Patients should also avoid harmful habits such as using tobacco products, nail-biting, or chewing on ice to help avoid the risk of chipping or cracking of the resin filling. Tobacco, as well as beverages like tea and coffee, can stain resin fillings as well as tooth structure, so regular hygiene maintenance is advised. With proper care, tooth-colored fillings can last a long time and are considered permanent restorations with durations of 10 years or more, but the ultimate life of these restorations ultimately depends on how well they are cared for.

If you would like to learn more about tooth-colored restorations and fillings please call the office or clicking the online booking tool today.